Ever wondered how to create your very own spell jar for self-love, protection, or fifty-fifty abundance? Spell jars (or witch bottles) have been handcrafted and used by practicing witches for centuries to manifest their deepest centre desires. And if you're a adult female with a lot of dreams, you're non limited to just one spell jar—make as many as you like!

If you're a baby witch (new to witchy work), spell jars are a wonderful way to dip your toes into this world and get-go practicing actual magic. Plus, these jars will await beautiful anywhere in your dwelling house or even on your desk-bound at work. And remember, any woman can be a witch. Yous don't demand to follow whatever religion or engage in regular rituals, and y'all definitely don't demand a broomstick. A witch is simply a woman rooted in her ability and working in harmony with mamma nature.

Hearth witches, in item, volition love making these spell jars because they savour annihilation arty and crafty that helps beautify their home. If you lot want to know more about the different types of witches, check out this article:

Types Of Witches And Their Craft: Which Witch Are You?

Back to spell jars. In this article, I'll explain what a spell jar is, share enough of different recipes to brand one depending on what you're seeking, and clarify how to use your spell jars one time yous're washed to make the most of the magic available to you.

What is a spell jar?

love spells

Spell jars are a form of spellwork and ritual skilful by witches. They are typically made from old mason jars or recycled jam jars filled intentionally with various herbs, plants, oils, crystals, and salts to aid manifest a specific want. Witches will repeat intentions or appoint in visualizations while assembling their jar and plow it into a ceremonial ritual.

Once complete, spell jars are placed somewhere prominent and serve as a wonderful reminder of what you're calling into your life.

How to make a spell jar

Scan through the spell jar recipes beneath and decide which ane you want to make showtime. Adjacent, gather the ingredients you need, and set a time for your ritual. Doing it on a new or full moon tin can work well, or fifty-fifty on one of the other sabbats of the Bicycle—Ostara, Samhain, Yule, etc.—if information technology's part of a new intention for that season.

Make certain y'all're somewhere peaceful and cozy. Maybe put some music on in the background. Y'all might want to cleanse your infinite by burning some incense, garden sage, rosemary, lavender or palo santo. Meditate before you become started to ground in and go into a positive mindset. Place everything in your jar and arrange it until yous're happy. Seal your jar with candle wax that represents your desire (e.g., apply a pinkish candle when making a self-love spell jar). Recollect to echo your intention as you seal your spell jar!

Enjoy the act of making something beautiful from all of these ingredients provided past the globe. You might want to say a picayune prayer, echo some affirmations, or visualize your dreams every bit though they're already your reality.

When you're done, tape your recipe in your spellbook (if you don't have one, start i today!) along with how well your spell jar works over time. This volition be handy to refer back to when looking to make another ane.

Remember that the spell jar recipes below are just a guide for you. Yous don't accept to follow them exactly, especially as there are unremarkably multiple herbs and crystals that represent similar things. Don't rush out to buy a ton of things. Begin by making exercise with what you have. What matters most when making spell jars is your free energy and intention. Fill your spell jar with things you love and feel special to yous. Trust your intuition.

sage palo santo

Ingredients & tools you might need

  • A herb incense of your option to burn down
  • Stonemason jars or repurposed jam jars (whatsoever kind of jar will do)
  • Essential oils
  • Salts (black table salt, Himalayan common salt, rock salt)
  • Fresh or stale herbs and spices
  • Foraged plants and flowers (dried petals and flowers tin work too)
  • Honey
  • Crystals
  • Candles of unlike colors
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A pen
  • Your spellbook or journal

Using your spell jars

Where should I put it?

Sure spell jars are best placed in a particular location, which I'll mention beneath with the recipes. For instance, a cocky-dear spell jar can work powerfully when placed in front end of a mirror as a reminder of the dear you want to prove yourself. But generally, you tin put your spell jars wherever you want to! On your witch altar, near the entrance of your dwelling, in your office, or next to your bed. Wherever feels best for you.

Top tips for candles

Sometimes witches will calorie-free their chosen candles, seal their jar with the wax, and then identify the candle on top of the jar and go out it lit until it completely burns out. Naturally, this poses a potential fire hazard, and so put information technology in the sink if you lot're doing this.

How long will my spell jar last?

Only there are no set rules when it comes to your ritual or how long y'all keep your spell jar for later on. You might cull to keep it until you lot see your intentions manifest in your life or until everything inside looks a little dry and dead and needs replacing. Try and return whatsoever organic matter like herbs and seeds to the globe.

Don't forget to cleanse your tools!

Remember to cleanse and recharge whatsoever crystals used in your spell jars. Popping them in a basin of h2o and leaving them on a windowsill during a full moon is the perfect way to do this.

thirteen magical spell jar recipes

1. Self-love spell jar


  • Rose petals
  • Lavender
  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • Lemon
  • Sandalwood
  • Crystals: rose quartz or articulate quartz
  • A pink candle
  • A piece of paper with your self-love affirmations or a self-love quote


Arrange everything into the jar until you're happy with how information technology looks. Lite your candle and seal the jar with pink wax. Place your self-love spell jar on your altar or dressing table to remind you to practice more than acts of cocky-dearest and cocky-intendance.

2. Money spell jar or abundance spell jar


  • Seeds (of any kind)
  • Bay leaves
  • Peppermint (the plant or essential oil)
  • Chamomile
  • Giner (fresh or dried)
  • A note or money
  • Crystals: jade or green aventurine
  • Anything else that symbolizes abundance to y'all
  • A piece of paper with your intention
  • A gilt or green candle


If yous want to feel more abundant or draw more than money into your life, this coin spell jar is for you.

Identify all your ingredients in your jar, and then seal it with gold or dark-green candle wax. Think nearly what you're calling in and visualize how yous'll feel and how your world volition look when y'all're continuing fully in the catamenia of abundance.

3. Honey spell jar


  • Beloved
  • Rose petals (pink, cherry, or white) and thorns
  • A shot of alcohol
  • Lavender
  • Patchouli
  • Basil
  • Cinnamon
  • A rose quartz crystal
  • Rose oil
  • A piece of paper with your intention
  • A blood-red candle


This beloved spell jar differs from a cocky-dearest spell jar because information technology focuses on external love instead of internal love. It's also known as a honey jar spell, the perfect jar to add romance and passion to your life and concenter the relationship of your dreams. Become yourself into the right vibration by putting on some romantic or sexy music. Write a specific intention for your beloved life, as though it has already come truthful. It could be fun to write it using your favorite lipstick. Identify all your ingredients carefully into your mason jar and seal it with red candle wax.

4. Sleep spell jar


  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian
  • Lemon balm
  • Crystals: amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone, or selenite
  • A white candle


Slumber spell jars are perfect if you accept problem with insomnia, bad dreams, or regularly waking in the heart of the night. Put on some soothing, peaceful music while you make this spell jar similar ocean waves or rain sounds. Identify all your ingredients in your jar and remember nigh what your intentions are for your sleep.

5. Protection spell jar


  • Feathers
  • Body of water common salt
  • Pine needles or a pine cone
  • Dill or rosemary
  • White clover
  • Crystals: blackness tourmaline, black obsidian, or blackness jade
  • A white candle


A protection jar is ane of the most popular types of spell jars. Utilize this jar to protect your loved ones and dwelling house from evil spirits and negative energy. Make full your jar with your called ingredients, seal the hat with a white candle, and chant a protection spell. Something like, "I am ever condom in my home," or "We are protected" is perfect. Place your jar on your altar or at the archway of your dwelling house.

honey jar spell

6. Happiness spell jar


  • Wildflower petals
  • Sweetgrass
  • Dandelion
  • Saffron
  • Sunflower seeds or petals
  • Crystals: amazonite, sunstone, tiger middle, or citrine
  • A photo or image that brings you joy
  • Annihilation else that symbolizes happiness for you
  • A yellowish or gold candle


This happiness spell jar is a must if you desire to phone call in good vibes. Brand certain each detail you add to the jar really brings you joy and makes you happy as you admire information technology. Light your called candle and seal the jar with some of the wax, keeping in mind your intentions.

Happiness spell jars are best placed somewhere they'll grab the sunlight.

7. Good health spell jar


  • Rosemary
  • A daisy
  • Calendula
  • Sage
  • Black common salt
  • Crystals: amethyst, rose quartz, or black obsidian
  • A green candle


These health spell jars are the perfect thing to make for yourself or someone else who needs a boost in wellness or to prevent sick health. Collect your ingredients, and arrange them in your jar until you're happy. Repeat a called affirmation about good health, like "my body is nourished and healthy" or "I am well." Lite your candle and seal your jar using some green candle wax.

Place this magical spell jar somewhere visible in your abode or gift information technology to someone you desire to keep strong and healthy.

8. Business abundance spell jars


  • Lucky hand
  • A foliage from a money tree
  • Bergamot (also known as orangish mint)
  • A note or some coins
  • Crystals: green aventurine, green tourmaline, or clear quartz
  • A note with your business name on it
  • A green or aureate candle


Business abundance spell jars are similar to coin spell jars merely focus specifically on helping you attract wealth and prosperity in your business. Get together your ingredients, and place everything in your jar except for your coins and business proper name.

Write your business name on a piece of paper (or use one of your beautiful business cards), and place this next to it forth with your coins. Calorie-free your candle. Next, fill your jar halfway with water, and add in your coins and piece of paper. As you do this, recall almost your deepest desires for your business: more sales or clients, an amazing team, or a cute workspace.

9. Productivity spell jars


  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Cloves
  • Crystals: tiger's middle, citrine, amazonite, or selenite
  • A yellow candle


If you want to heave your productivity levels, this is the spell jar for you. Collect your ingredients and identify them all into your glass jar. Light your candle and seal the jar with wax. Place this jar where you do almost of your piece of work (your home function or workplace) or in an area where there's lots of activity, like the kitchen.

10. Fuck off spell jar


  • Sage
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Black pepper
  • Clove
  • Rain h2o
  • Crystals: black tourmaline, clear quartz, or selenite
  • A blackness candle


This spell jar will help you banish bad vibes and keep your infinite a positive, uplifting place.

Place your ingredients in your jar, and sprinkle over the rainwater. Think of this every bit washing abroad whatsoever negative vibrations. Light your candle, and seal your jar with the black candle wax. Allow this spell jar work its magic at the entrance of your abode or office to articulate negative energy and keep it a vibrant, happy identify.

candle magick

eleven. Calming spell jar


  • Chamomile
  • Lavander
  • Gardenia
  • Bergamot oil
  • Moon h2o (place a bowl on your window ledge on a full moon)
  • Crystals: amethyst, celestite, or malachite
  • A imperial or blue candle


If y'all struggle with anxiety and stress, have a go at creating ane of these calming spell jars.

As always, take and leave what you desire from this ingredients listing and piece of work with what y'all have. These are simply suggestions and inspiration for you to create your own magical spell jars.

Place your chosen ingredients into a clean jar, lite your candle, so have a few deep breaths. The oils and herbs in this jar are the perfect matter to breathe in and volition have a soothing, calming effect on your nervous system. Side by side, seal your jar with some of the candle wax. Place this jar on a bedside table or your workspace to invoke a calmer vibration.

12. Good luck spell jars


  • Bay leaves
  • White rice
  • A piece of rope
  • A pinch of body of water salt
  • Crystals: citrine, amethyst, or labradorite
  • A light-green candle


These spell jars are nifty when y'all just need a lilliputian flake of extra luck in any expanse of your life. Fill your jar intentionally with your ingredients, think near where specifically yous'd like some amend fortune, and seal your jar with your green candle wax. This 1 is all-time placed by your bed or in your wardrobe.

13. Happy abode spell jar


  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Catnip
  • Lavander
  • Lemon pare or lemon lotion
  • Vanilla bean or extract
  • Crystals: citrine, rose quartz, or amazonite
  • A yellowish candle


Assemble your ingredients and place them in your jar while thinking most the vibration you want to make full your home with. Calorie-free your candle, then use the wax to seal your jar. Identify it somewhere prominent by your front door or on a mantelpiece.

self love spell jars

Things to call up when creating your spell jars

ane. Be artistic and trust your intuition

At that place really is no right or incorrect when it comes to making a spell jar. The possibilities are endless; you can make one for pretty much annihilation. Use this list as an introduction to get you started just don't let it limit you to but these ingredients. Yous'll find hundreds more plants, herbs, oils, and crystals that symbolize many things. What's most important when choosing ingredients is that to you, they embody any it is you desire.

2. Meditate on & visualize your intentions

To boost the energy of your spell jar, work with it regularly. Sit in forepart of it or agree it in your easily while you meditate on your desires. Visualize this spell working its magic and coming true.

3. Accept conscious activeness

Make sure y'all're taking action in the real globe too. For example, if yous want to attract a healthy, loving human relationship, make certain y'all're putting time in to meet new people online and offline. If yous want to accomplish more success in your concern, ensure y'all're putting energy into reaching new potential customers or clients.

4. Believe in the power of your spell jar

One of the fundamental parts of witchcraft and magic is believing in the rituals and spellwork that you're doing. Believe in the magic within you and within the Universe. Believe that the Universe wants to support you and make your dreams a reality just as much equally you do.

Will you create a spell jar for cocky-dearest, protection, or something else? Tell me in the comments beneath—I would honey to encounter photos of what you've made!