
How To Make A Pig Cake

A classic potluck cake that's fifty-fifty more than delicious if you brand it the night before. Yummy and user-friendly!


I'm in sort of a potluck mood lately. I can't explain it. I don't know whether it's that we haven't had a potluck repast at our church for awhile…or that I miss all the weird and wonderful and warm foods on a potluck tabular array…or that I'chiliad just ready for things to become back to normal later on all the Christmas and New year's day rush…or that my 5th grade teacher blamed me for the weekly readers existence out of lodge when it was really Andrew Loma that messed them all up—I don't know.

But I do know this: I have some serious issues and I'thousand glad I'm a churchgoing woman.

Andrew Hill? Weekly readers? I had no idea I'd been bottling that up all these years.

I experience apple-pie.

I also know this: I love this cake. I take no thought why it's called Squealer Cake. And I don't actually care. I just know that information technology's a scrumptious potluck classic that I've seen (and eaten, with enthusiasm) over and over throughout my life. I have generations of church building ladies before me to give thanks.

Oh, and I besides know one more thing:

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The Cast of Characters is back! It's been on sabbatical for many, many months. Information technology went on retreat and found itself. Happy New Year!

And what an intimidating and high-gourmet cast it is. Endeavor non to fear the impressive array. You'll demand a yellow cake mix, a can of mandarin oranges, a stick of margarine, four eggs, vanilla extract, vanilla pudding mix, powdered carbohydrate, Cool Whip, and crushed pineapple.

Seriously—I don't even know if you'll be able to find all of this stuff. You might have to mail order it from Soho.

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First, throw the cake mix into the bowl of an electrical mixer…

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Throw in a stick of softened margarine.

Not butter…margarine. Information technology brings out the flavour of the cake mix.

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Crack in four eggs and add some vanilla excerpt.

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I decided to utilise the Madagascar stuff, just to exist ornery.

Brings out the flavor of the cake mix.

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Then crack open the can of mandarin oranges…

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Totally drain the oranges, reserving 1/2 cup of the syrupy juice.

For what it's worth, I bought the mandarin oranges with calorie-free syrup.

Merely only because that's the just kind they had.

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Pour the juice into the mixing bowl…

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Then turn on the mixer and alloy upward this bizarre combination of ingredients.

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Mix it for iv minutes on medium-high…

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Until it'south light and very fluffy.

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Next, throw in the drained oranges and alloy for several seconds, or until the oranges suspension into small pieces.

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Side by side, swipe your index finger along the beater and embrace said finger with batter. Lick. Close your eyes. Moan.

So go wash your easily with soap and water.

Repeat every bit necessary.

(Note: please don't practice the gluttonous finger-swiping-and-licking matter if yous're older, or pregnant, or are immuno-compromised. It'due south a raw egg matter.)

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Spray a 9 10 13 inch baking pan with blistering spray (or simply grease and flour it the way our grandmothers always did it.)

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Spread the concoction evenly in the pan, then bake it for 25 to 30 minutes, or until dainty and gold and firm.

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Cool it in the pan or—my preference—plow it out onto a large platter. Let it cool completely.

Photographers of all skill levels: this white platter completely wigged out my white residuum and I couldn't be bothered to fix it in Photoshop. Don't be like me.

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While the block is cooling (or once information technology's cooled) add the vanilla pudding mix to the (clean, because you made your daughter wash information technology) mixing bowl.

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Drain a can of crushed pineapple. reserving all of the juice. (You lot might need to squish your hands in at that place and strength out some of the liquid. It doesn't always become willingly.)

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Add the pineapple juice to the pudding mix…

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Then throw in some powdered saccharide.

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Mix it together until combined…

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And so catch some (softened in the refrigerator) Cool Whip…

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And plop in well-nigh one-half the carton.

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Whip it all together until fluffy, then stir in the drained crushed pineapple.

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Looks weird, doesn't it?

Yeah, well…it tastes good, man.

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Plop it on top of the cake…

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And then spread information technology all over the top and sides of the cake.

You tin can air-condition it at this point if you'd similar! The block is great later on a few hours of refrigeration.

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When you're gear up to serve it up, cut the block into squares…

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And if you're feeling cutesy and girlie, lay a mandarin orange slice on the meridian of each foursquare.

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It's enough to brand any potluck attendee race to the dessert table.

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I like doctored-upwardly cake mix desserts. I can't promise you lot this'll be the last one I share hither.

But I can hope you it won't.

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This is yummy, guys. Information technology definitely won't win any culinary awards in the pastry arts.

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But it'll make the church ladies dear ya.

On a slightly different note: that whole New year's day'south resolution thing almost not eating sugar and flour for thirty days?

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So far it's not going and so well.

But in that location'due south always tomorrow!

Enjoy, guys. Happy New Year.


Here'southward the handy dandy printable:

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How To Make A Pig Cake,


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