
How Many People Are Playing Minecraft Right Now

Minecraft Official Key Art
Minecraft Official Key Fine art (Image credit: Mojang Studios)

What you need to know

  • Minecraft is 1 of the most successful games of all time, and boasts some admittedly ridiculous numbers and statistics.
  • During Minecraft Alive 2021, Mojang Studios has updated some of the cardinal statistics for Minecraft up until at present and through the final two years.
  • While we don't have a new number for number of copies sold, Minecraft saw over 141 1000000 monthly active users in Aug. 2021.
  • Minecraft was also the nigh-watched topic on YouTube in 2020, with over 201 billion accumulated views.

With Minecraft Live 2021, Mojang Studios is revealing all the biggest updates and announcements the Minecraft community needs to know well-nigh the growing Minecraft universe. Across reveals as to what's coming side by side for Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons, though, Mojang also updated some of the statistics we have on the momentum that Minecraft continues to grow over time.

In April, 2021, we reported that Minecraft had near 140 million monthly agile users. It seems that momentum has impossibly managed to sustain and even grow since then, with Minecraft boasting over 141 million monthly active users in Aug. 2021. That ways the number of people that actively played Minecraft just in Aug. approached and even surpassed the number of copies sold by some of the best-selling video games of all time. This shows that an incredible number of people are still investing plenty of time in Minecraft in 2021.

That'due south not all we learned, however. Below are some of the fundamental statistics on Minecraft, all of which are up to date as of Aug. 2021. Unfortunately, Mojang did non provide an updated number for how many copies of Minecraft have been sold then far, pregnant that number is still officially 238 million.

  • There were over 141 million monthly active users in Aug. 2021
  • Over $350 one thousand thousand in revenue has been generated by creators in the Minecraft Marketplace so far
  • Over 67% of players actively customize their Minecraft experience using the Market place
  • Over ane billion hours have been logged in Minecraft multiplayer
  • Over 201 billion hours of Minecraft YouTube videos were watched in 2020, making information technology the about-watched topic on YouTube that yr

With such staggering numbers, it's clear Minecraft is holding on tight to its title as the greatest game ever fabricated. None of these numbers seem to apply to Minecraft Dungeons, but we reported that Minecraft Dungeons crossed 10 million players in Feb. 2021, an impressive milestone for a relatively young game. Because of this, both Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons have secured their spots every bit some of the best Xbox games.

We're covering everything announced at Minecraft Live 2021. The event covers a lot more than these Minecraft-related numbers, including the results of the almanac Mob Vote, and nosotros're keeping runway of it all to keep you upwardly to engagement.

Zachary Boddy is the Minecraft Expert and a News Writer for Windows Key, Android Primal, and iMore. They have been gaming and writing for most of their life, and have been freelancing for Windows Central and its sister sites since 2019, with a focus on Xbox and PC gaming. Y'all tin find Zachary on Twitter @BoddyZachary.

How Many People Are Playing Minecraft Right Now,


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