
How To Lock Chests In Minecraft Bedrock

A trapped chest functions every bit a normal breast for detail storage, merely it produces redstone power when opened. It can exist visually distinguished from normal chests by a red coloration around the latch.

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

Trapped chests can be cleaved with any tool, merely axes are the fastest. Items contained in the chest are dropped when the chest is broken. If one one-half of a large trapped breast is destroyed, the corresponding items from the destroyed trapped chest are dropped and the remaining trapped chest continues to role every bit a pocket-sized trapped chest.

Block Trapped Chest
Hardness 2.five
Breaking time[A]
Default 3.75
Wooden 1.nine
Stone 0.95
Atomic number 26 0.65
Diamond 0.5
Netherite 0.45
Golden 0.35
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools every bit wielded by players with no status furnishings, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation [ ]

Trapped chests naturally generate in "simulated end portal rooms" in woodland mansions.

Crafting [ ]

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Tripwire Hook +

Usage [ ]

Trapped chests tin can be used as containers and as redstone components.

To place a trapped chest, place the face of a block adjacent to the space the trapped chest should occupy.

Placing two adjacent trapped chests side-by-side typically joins them to create a big trapped chest. To avoid them joining and instead place 2 single trapped chests side by side, the histrion may sneak while placing the second trapped chest,‌[ Java Edition only ] or place the 2nd trapped breast facing a dissimilar direction from the showtime one.‌[ Bedrock and Java editions only ] Alternately, normal chests do not combine with trapped chests.

Trapped chests can be moved by pistons.‌[ Boulder Edition only ] Water and lava flow around without affecting them. Lava can create fire in air blocks next to trapped chests as if they were flammable, but the chests practise not burn (and cannot be burned past other methods either).

Trapped chests tin can also activate cached TNT, destroying themselves, their contents and any mobs or players well-nigh them. They need to be opened twice for the TNT to be activated.

Container [ ]

The GUI of a trapped breast.

The GUI of a big trapped breast.

A single trapped chest has 27 slots of inventory infinite, and a big trapped chest has 54 slots of inventory space. In a big trapped chest, the top 3 rows in the interface correspond to the western or northern chest block and the bottom iii to the southern or eastern chest block.

To open the trapped breast GUI, employ the Employ Item control. To motility items between the trapped breast inventory and the player inventory or hotbar while the trapped chest GUI is open, drag or shift-click the items. To exit the trapped chest GUI, employ the Esc control.

Past default, the GUI of a trapped chest is labeled "Chest" and the GUI of a large trapped chest is labeled "Large Breast." A trapped chest'due south GUI label tin can exist changed by naming the trapped breast in an anvil before placing it, or past using the information command‌[ Java Edition only ] (for example, to characterization a trapped chest at (0,64,0) "Loot!", use /data merge block 0 64 0 {CustomName:'"Boodle!"'}). If half of a large trapped chest is renamed, that name is used to label the GUI of the entire large trapped breast, but if the named half is destroyed, the other one-half reverts to the default characterization. If both halves of a big trapped breast accept different names, the GUI label takes the name of the northernmost or westernmost half of the big trapped chest depending on its orientation (the half with the lowest coordinate in the appropriate axis).

A trapped chest can be "locked" past setting the trapped chest'due south Lock tag. If a trapped chest's Lock tag is not blank, the trapped chest cannot be opened except by players holding an particular with the same name equally the Lock tag's text. A trapped chest's Lock tag can exist set or unset with the information command. For example, to lock a trapped chest at (0,64,0) and then that only players belongings an item named "Alice's Key" can open up the trapped chest, use information merge cake 0 64 0 {Lock:"Alice's Key"}.

Redstone component [ ]

Chests (left) and trapped chests (right) can exist placed next to each other. Redstone dust configures itself to point toward trapped chests, merely not toward regular chests.

Trapped chests can be used to find when their inventory is accessed by players.

A trapped chest is inactive while not being accessed, just activates when accessed by a thespian (meet above). Accessing either part of a large trapped chest activates both halves of the large trapped chest. Mobs cannot access/actuate a trapped chest, and a trapped chest is not activated by items moving into or out of information technology by droppers or hoppers.

While agile, a trapped chest:

  • powers any adjacent redstone grit, including below the trapped chest, to a power level equal to the number of players accessing the trapped chest (maximum xv)
  • powers any adjacent redstone repeaters facing away from the trapped chest to power level 15
  • strongly powers any total solid opaque cake (stone, dirt, block of gold, etc.) below the trapped breast to a power level equal to the number of players accessing the trapped chest (maximum 15)
  • activates any adjacent machinery components, including above or beneath, such equally pistons, redstone lamps, etc. Due to hoppers being locked by redstone activation, hoppers below a trapped chest do not have items from it while it is open up.

An active trapped breast does non ability any adjacent redstone comparators facing away from it. Redstone comparators can measure the block country of the trapped chest, producing a power level from 0 to 15 proportional to how full the trapped breast is. Anything else powered by an agile trapped breast (including a block beneath it) tin power redstone comparators normally.

Piglins [ ]

Piglins get hostile toward players who open, break or interact with trapped chests.

Fuel [ ]

Trapped chests can be used as a fuel in furnaces, smelting 1.v items per chest.

Note Blocks [ ]

Trapped chests can exist placed nether note blocks to produce "bass" audio.

Christmas chest [ ]

As with normal chests, on December 24, 25, and 26, trapped chests and large trapped chests have their textures changed to Christmas chests that look similar presents.

Sounds [ ]

Generic [ ]

Java Edition:

Audio Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Book Pitch Attenuation
Cake cleaved Blocks One time the block has broken block.wood.intermission subtitles.cake.generic.break 1.0 0.8 xvi
None [sound ane] Blocks Falling on the block with autumn damage cake.wood.autumn None [sound 1] 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being cleaved cake.wood.striking subtitles.block.generic.hit 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the cake is placed block.forest.identify 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block block.wood.step subtitles.cake.generic.footsteps 0.15 one.0 xvi
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Clarification Resources location Translation primal Book Pitch Attenuation
? ? Blocks One time the cake has broken dig.wood ? 1.0 0.8 ?
? ? Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage fall.wood ? 0.4 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks While the cake is in the process of beingness broken hit.forest ? 0.23 0.5 ?
? ? Blocks Jumping from the block jump.wood ? 0.12 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks Falling on the cake without fall damage land.wood ? 0.eighteen ane.0 ?
? ? Blocks Walking on the block step.woods ? 0.3 1.0 ?
? ? Blocks When the cake is placed use.wood ? 1.0 0.8 ?

Unique [ ]

Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation primal Volume Pitch Attenuation
Breast closes ? ? block.chest.shut subtitles.block.chest.close ? ? sixteen
Chest locked ? ? block.chest.locked subtitles.block.breast.locked ? ? 16
Chest opens ? ? up ? ? xvi

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Grade Block tags Translation fundamental
Trapped Chest trapped_chest Block & Item guarded_by_piglins block.minecraft.trapped_chest
Proper name Identifier
Block entity trapped_chest

Bedrock Edition:

Name Identifier Numeric ID Form Item ID[i 1] Translation key
Trapped Chest trapped_chest 146 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3] tile.trapped_chest.proper name
  1. ID of block's directly item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /requite control.
  3. The block's straight item form has the same id with the block.
Name Savegame ID
Block entity Chest

Cake states [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing n east
The direction the chest'south latch is on.
Reverse from the direction the actor faces when placing a chest.
type single left
The direction the chest has a connexion with.
waterlogged false false
Whether or non there'south water in the same place as this chest.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Metadata Bits Default value Allowed values Values for
Metadata $.25
facing_direction 0x1
two 2
The direction the breast'due south latch is on.
  • two: Breast facing north
  • 3: Chest facing south
  • 4: Chest facing westward
  • 5: Chest facing eastward

Block data [ ]

Every trapped breast has a cake entity associated with information technology that holds additional data nigh the trapped chest.

Coffee Edition:

  • Block entity data
    •  CustomName: Optional. The proper name of this container in JSON text component, which appears in its GUI where the default proper name ordinarily appears.
    •  Items: Listing of items in this container.
      • : An item, including the slot tag. Chest slots are numbered 0-26, 0 starts in the elevation left corner.
    •  Lock: Optional. When not blank, prevents the container from being opened unless the opener is holding an item whose name matches this string.
    •  LootTable: Optional. Loot table to exist used to fill the breast when it is adjacent opened, or the items are otherwise interacted with.[note 1]
    •  LootTableSeed: Optional. Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted utilise a random seed.[note ane]
  1. a b Both loot table tags are removed once the items take been generated.

Bedrock Edition:

Encounter Bedrock Edition level format/Cake entity format.

Video [ ]

History [ ]

Java Edition
1.5 13w01a Trapped Chest.gif Trapped Large Chest.gif
Trapped Chest (N) JE1 BE1.png Trapped Chest (E) JE1 BE1.png Trapped Chest (S) JE1 BE1.png Trapped Chest (W) JE1 BE1.png Added trapped chests.
13w02a Trapped chests have been moved from the Redstone section to the Ornamentation Blocks department in the creative mode inventory.
13w02b Trapped chests now strongly power a block below them.
1.8.9 Xmas Chest.png Xmas Large Chest.png Trapped chests now look similar presents between Dec 24 and 26 to conform Christmas.
1.nine 15w31a Trapped chests at present have their item model rotated, to have the forepart face up in view of the actor.
15w43a Loot tables have been added; trapped chests at present can utilise loot tables.
15w49a Trapped chests have been moved from the Decoration Blocks section to the Redstone department in the artistic inventory, like they were in 13w01a.
16w05a The crafting recipe for trapped chests is now shapeless.
one.11 16w39a Trapped chests now generate in woodland mansions.
1.13 17w47a Trapped chests can now be put directly next to their large variant instead of requiring 1 block between them.
Crouching while placing a trapped chest now makes it endeavour to connect only to the clicked cake.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 146.
Trapped chests at present have the block entity ID trapped_chest.
17w47b Trapped chests at present have the cake entity ID chest once more.
18w10c Water tin now be placed on the same block as trapped chests.
? Trapped chests now have the block entity ID trapped_chest again.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.13.0 build 1 Trapped Chest.gif Added trapped chests.
v0.14.0 build 1 Trapped Large Chest.gif Trapped chests tin now form large trapped chests.
v0.15.0 build one Trapped chests can now be moved by pistons.
? A trapped breast'due south custom name now appears in the GUI.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0 alpha ane.1.0.0 Trapped chests now naturally generate in woodland mansions.
Boulder Edition
one.four.0 Water tin now be placed on the same block as trapped chests.
Legacy Panel Edition
TU19 CU7 1.12 Patch 1 ane.0.1 Trapped Chest.gif Trapped Large Chest.gif Added trapped chests.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0 Trapped Chest.gif Trapped Large Chest.gif Added trapped chests.

Issues [ ]

Issues relating to "Trapped Chest" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues at that place.

Trivia [ ]

  • Trapped chests return as a full block when in the inventory, but not when placed.‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] [1]

References [ ]

  1. MCPE-7990

How To Lock Chests In Minecraft Bedrock,


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