
Accurate 3d Model Of Earth

This Is The Most Accurate Map of The World Always Produced

There are lots of errors in our current maps, including distorted land and sea sizes and geographical misunderstandings. In 1999, Japanese architect Hajime Narukawa tackled the century-old challenge of how to accurately draw an oblate spheroid World on a flat plane with the AuthaGraph World Map.

The AuthaGraph Earth Map, which frames the world's physical components in a 2D rectangle, won Nihon'southward 2016 'Proficient Blueprint' grand award. The Good DESIGN honor ceremony is hosted past the Japan Institute for design promotion and was founded past the Japanese ministry of international trade and industry in 1957.

Good design award
(Credit: designboom)


Narukawa managed to create the AuthaGraph Globe Map in a fashion that information technology can be transformed from a sphere to a flat rectangle while maintaining the correct body of water and land proportions. How does it transform? Past dividing the world into ninety-six triangles, making information technology a tetrahedron, then unfolding it to become a apartment rectangle.

The world map we take today, known every bit the Mercator map, made in 1569 by geographer Gerardus Mercator, largely misreports the sizes of Greenland, Africa, and Antarctica. Still, the AuthaGraph Globe Map takes into consideration their actual sizes, the ozone hole above Antarctica, our irresolute world due to global warming, the continental migrate, and how the poles are melting away.

Paper design
(Credit: designboom)
Authagraph map
(Credit: Authagraph/Hajime Narukawa)

Watch Narukawa giving a Ted talk on his projection in 2011, in the video beneath:

If you similar this super accurate map, y'all can purchase a world version, which you can dismantle, give every bit a gift, or hang on your wall. The price of the globe is around $60, and you can find it here. Also, if y'all're a map kind of person, you might accept fun with this gratuitous online map that y'all plug in your location and see how it's inverse over the terminal 750 million years.

Foldable model
(Credit: Authagraph/Hajime Narukawa)
This Is The Most Accurate Map of The World Ever Produced
(Credit: designboom)
This Is The Most Accurate Map of The World Ever Produced
(Credit: designboom)
This Is The Most Accurate Map of The World Ever Produced
(Credit: designboom)
This Is The Most Accurate Map of The World Ever Produced
(Credit: designboom)
AuthaGraph World Map
(Credit: Authagraph/Hajime Narukawa)

Accurate 3d Model Of Earth,


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