
Main Character In Charlotte's Web

1952 children's novel by E. B. White

Charlotte'southward Web

First edition

Author Due east. B. White
Illustrator Garth Williams
Encompass creative person Garth Williams
State United States
Language English language
Genre Children'due south
Publisher Harper & Brothers

Publication engagement

October 15, 1952
Pages 192
ISBN 9780062658753

Charlotte's Web is a book of children'due south literature past American author E. B. White and illustrated past Garth Williams; it was published on October 15, 1952, by Harper & Brothers. The novel tells the story of a livestock squealer named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of beingness slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages praising Wilbur (such as "Some Pig" "Humble") in her web in order to persuade the farmer to let him live.

Written in White'south dry, low-cardinal manner, Charlotte's Web is considered a classic of children's literature, enjoyed by adults also as children.[1] The description of the experience of swinging on a rope swing at the farm is an often-cited example of rhythm in writing, as the pace of the sentences reflects the motion of the swing. In 2000, Publishers Weekly listed the volume as the acknowledged children's paperback of all time.[ii]

Charlotte'south Web was adapted into an animated feature by Hanna-Barbera Productions and Sagittarius Productions in 1973. Paramount released a direct-to-video sequel, Charlotte's Spider web 2: Wilbur'south Great Adventure, in the U.S. in 2003 (Universal released the film internationally). A live-action film version of E. B. White'southward original story was released in 2006. A video game based on this accommodation was also released in 2006.

Plot summary [edit]

Later a niggling girl named Fern Arable pleads for the life of the runt of a litter of piglets, her father gives her the pig to nurture, and she names him Wilbur. She treats him as a pet, but a month later on, Wilbur is no longer small, and is sold to Fern's uncle, Homer Zuckerman. In Zuckerman's barnyard, Wilbur yearns for companionship, just is snubbed by the other animals. He is befriended past a befouled spider named Charlotte, whose web sits in a doorway overlooking Wilbur's enclosure. When Wilbur discovers that he is being raised for slaughter, she promises to hatch a plan guaranteed to spare his life. Fern often sits on a stool, listening to the animals' conversation, merely over the form of the story, every bit she starts to mature, she begins to find other interests.

As the summer passes, Charlotte ponders the question of how to salvage Wilbur. At last, she comes upward with a program, which she gain to implement. Reasoning that Zuckerman would not kill a famous sus scrofa, Charlotte weaves words and brusk phrases in praise of Wilbur into her spider web. Charlotte weaves the words "Some Pig" into the web, and the next morning Lurvy sees the spider web and runs to notice Mr. Zuckerman. This makes Wilbur, and the befouled as a whole, into tourist attractions, as many people believe the webs to be miracles. Subsequently that, Charlotte weaves the word "Terrific" into the web, and then the whole affair starts upwardly over again. Charlotte then tells Templeton, a barn rat, to become another word for the spider web. He goes to the dump and finds the word "radiant" which she and then weaves into her web. Fern'south mother starts to get worried that she is spending too much fourth dimension around the animals because she is telling her mother stories nearly the animals talking. Mrs. Arable then goes to visit Dr. Dorian, who assures everything is fine.

Wilbur is somewhen entered into the canton fair, and Charlotte, as well every bit Templeton, accompany him. He fails to win the blue ribbon, merely is awarded a special prize by the judges. Charlotte weaves the concluding words into her web, "Humble." Charlotte hears the presentation of the accolade over the public address system and realizes that the prize means Zuckerman will cherish Wilbur for equally long as the hog lives, and will never slaughter him for his meat. However, Charlotte, beingness a barn spider with a naturally short lifespan, is already dying of natural causes past the fourth dimension the accolade is announced. Knowing that she has saved Wilbur, and satisfied with the outcome of her life, she does non return to the barn with Wilbur and Templeton, and instead remains at the fairgrounds to die. Still, she allows Wilbur to have with him her egg sac, from which her children will hatch in the leap. Meanwhile, Fern, who has matured significantly since the beginning of the novel, loses involvement in Wilbur and starts paying more attending to boys her age. She misses nigh of the fair's events in social club to keep the Ferris wheel with Henry Fussy, 1 of her classmates.

Wilbur waits out the wintertime, a winter he would not take survived but for Charlotte. He is initially delighted when Charlotte'due south children hatch, merely is subsequently devastated when nearly get out the barn. Only three remain to take upwardly residence in Charlotte'southward old doorway. Pleased at finding new friends, Wilbur names one of them Nellie, while the remaining two name themselves Joy and Aranea. Further generations of spiders go on Wilbur company in subsequent years.

Characters [edit]

  • Wilbur is a rambunctious squealer, the runt of his litter. He is often strongly emotional.
  • Charlotte A. Cavatica, or just Charlotte, is a spider who befriends Wilbur. In some passages, she is the heroine of the story.[iii]
  • John Arable: Wilbur's start owner.
  • Fern Arable, John's daughter, who adopts Wilbur when he'southward a piglet, and afterwards visits him. She is the only human being in the story capable of agreement animal conversation.
  • Lurvy, the hired man at Zuckerman'south farm, who is the first to read the message in Charlotte'south web.
  • Templeton is a rat who helps Charlotte and Wilbur just when offered food. He serves every bit a somewhat caustic, cocky-serving comic relief to the plot.
  • Avery Abundant is the elder brother of Fern and John'southward son. Like Templeton, he is a source of comic relief.
  • Homer Zuckerman is Fern'south uncle who keeps Wilbur in his barn. He has a married woman named Edith and an assistant named Lurvy.
  • Other animals in Zuckerman's barn, with whom Wilbur converses, include a disdainful lamb, a talkative goose, and an intelligent "sometime sheep".
  • Henry Fussy is a boy of Fern's age, of whom Fern becomes fond.
  • Dr. Dorian is the family dr./psychologist consulted by Fern's female parent and something of a wise old man character.
  • Uncle is a big sus scrofa whom Charlotte disdains for fibroid manners and Wilbur's rival at the fair.
  • Charlotte'southward children are the 514 children of Charlotte. Although they were born at the barn, all merely three of them (Aranea, Joy, and Nellie) go their own ways by ballooning.

Themes [edit]

Death [edit]

Death is a major theme seen throughout Charlotte'southward Web and is brought along by that of the spider, Charlotte. According to Norton D. Kinghorn, Charlotte's web acts as a barrier that separates two worlds. These worlds are that of life and expiry.[4] Scholar Amy Ratelle says that through Charlotte's continual killing and eating of flies throughout the novel, White makes the concept of expiry normal for Wilbur and for the readers.[v] Neither Wilbur nor the rat Templeton encounter death as a part of their lives; Templeton sees it simply as something that volition happen at some fourth dimension in the distant hereafter, while Wilbur views information technology as the end of everything.[6]

Wilbur constantly has death on his heed at night when he is worrying over whether or not he will be slaughtered.[7] Fifty-fifty though Wilbur is able to escape his death, Charlotte, the spider who takes care of Wilbur, is non able to escape her ain. Charlotte passes away, but according to Trudelle H. Thomas, "Yet even in the face up of death, life continues and ultimate goodness wins out".[viii] Hashemite kingdom of jordan Anne Deveraux explains that E.B. White discusses a few realities of death. From the novel, readers larn that expiry can be delayed, just that no i can avoid it forever.[ix]

Change [edit]

For Norton D. Kinghorn, Charlotte'south spider web also acts as a signifier of modify. The change Kinghorn refers to is that of both the human being world and the farm/barn world. For both of these worlds change is something that cannot be avoided.[4] Along with the changing of the seasons throughout the novel, the characters also become through their ain changes. Hashemite kingdom of jordan Anne Deveraux also explains that Wilbur and Fern each go through their changes to transition from babyhood closer to machismo throughout the novel.[9] This is evidenced by Wilbur accepting decease and Fern giving upwardly her dolls. Wilbur grows throughout the novel, allowing him to become the caretaker of Charlotte's children just as she was a caretaker for him, equally is explained past scholar Sue Misheff.[x] But rather than accept the changes that are forced upon them, co-ordinate to Sophie Mills, the characters aim to go beyond the limits of change.[7] In a different way, Wilbur goes through a alter when he switches locations. Amy Ratelle explains that when he moves from Fern'southward house to Homer Zuckerman's farm, Wilbur goes from being a loved pet to a farm animal.

Innocence [edit]

Fern, the petty girl in the novel, goes from existence a child to being more of an developed. As she goes through this change, Kinghorn notes that it tin too be considered a fall from innocence.[4] Wilbur also starts out young and innocent at the kickoff of the novel. A comparison is drawn between the innocence and youth of Fern and Wilbur. Sophie Mills states that the two characters tin can identify with i another.[7] Both Wilbur and Fern are, at first, horrified by the realization that life must finish; nonetheless, past the end of the novel, both characters learn to accept that, eventually, everything must dice.[ix] According to Matthew Scully, the novel presents the deviation in the worldview of adults versus the earth view of children. Children, such as Fern, believe killing another for food is incorrect, while adults accept learned that information technology is natural.[11]

History [edit]

Charlotte's Web was published iii years after White began writing it.[12] White's editor Ursula Nordstrom said that one twenty-four hours in 1952, E. B. White arrived at her function and handed her a new manuscript, the but re-create of Charlotte's Web then in beingness, which she read soon after and enjoyed.[13] Charlotte's Spider web was released on October 15, 1952.[14] [15] [sixteen]

Since White published Death of a Pig in 1948,[17] an account of his own failure to relieve a ill pig (bought for butchering), Charlotte's Web can exist seen as White's effort "to save his hog in retrospect".[18] White'south overall motivation for the volume has not been revealed and he has written "I oasis't told why I wrote the book, but I haven't told you why I sneeze, either. A book is a sneeze".[19]

When White met the spider who originally inspired Charlotte, he called her Charlotte Epeira (afterwards Epeira sclopetaria, the Grey Cross spider, now known as Larinioides sclopetarius), before discovering that the more modernistic name for that genus was Aranea.[20] In the novel, Charlotte gives her full name as "Charlotte A. Cavatica", revealing her as a barn spider, an orb-weaver with the scientific name Araneus cavaticus.

The arachnid anatomical terms (mentioned in the starting time of chapter nine) and other data that White used, came generally from American Spiders by Willis J. Gertsch and The Spider Volume by John Henry Comstock, both of which combine a sense of poetry with scientific fact.[21] White incorporated details from Comstock'south accounts of baby spiders, most notably the "flight" of the young spiders on silken parachutes.[21] White sent Gertsch's book to illustrator Garth Williams.[22] Williams' initial drawings depicted a spider with a woman'due south face, and White suggested that he simply depict a realistic spider instead.[23]

White originally opened the novel with an introduction of Wilbur and the undiscriminating (which later became the third chapter) but decided to begin the novel past introducing Fern and her family on the starting time folio.[22] White'south publishers were at ane point concerned with the book'south ending and tried to get White to change it.[24]

Charlotte's Web has become White'due south most famous book; merely White treasured his privacy and that of the farmyard and barn that helped inspire the novel, which have been kept off limits to the public according to his wishes.[25]

Reception [edit]

Charlotte'south Spider web was more often than not well-reviewed when information technology was released. In The New York Times, Eudora Welty wrote, "Every bit a piece of work information technology is only about perfect, and but about magical in the fashion it is done."[26] Bated from its paperback sales, Charlotte's Web is 78th on the all-time bestselling hardback book list. According to publicity for the 2006 film accommodation (see below), the book has sold more than 45 million copies and been translated into 23 languages. It was a Newbery Honor volume for 1953, losing to Secret of the Andes by Ann Nolan Clark for the medal. In 1970, White won the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal, a major prize in the field of children's literature, for Charlotte'southward Web, along with his showtime children'south book, Stuart Little, published in 1945. Seth Lerer, in his book Children's Literature, finds that Charlotte represents female authorship and creativity, and compares her to other female person characters in children's literature such equally Jo March in Piddling Women and Mary Lennox in The Secret Garden.[27] Nancy Larrick brings to attention the "startling note of realism" in the opening line, "Where's Papa going with that Ax?"[28]

Illustrator Henry Cole expressed his deep childhood appreciation of the characters and story, and calls Garth Williams' illustrations total of "sensitivity, warmth, humor, and intelligence."[29] Illustrator Diana Cain Bluthenthal states that Williams' illustrations inspired and influenced her.[30]

There is an unabridged audio volume read by White himself which reappeared decades later on it had originally been recorded.[31] Newsweek writes that White reads the story "without artifice and with a mellow charm," and that "White also has a plangency that will brand y'all weep, so don't listen (at least, not to the pitiful parts) while driving."[31] Joe Berk, president of Pathway Sound, had recorded Charlotte's Web with White in White'southward neighbor'south house in Maine (which Berk describes equally an especially memorable feel) and released the book in LP.[32] Bantam released Charlotte'southward Web alongside Stuart Little on CD in 1991, digitally remastered, having acquired the ii of them for rather a large corporeality.[32]

In 2005, a school teacher in California conceived of a project for her class in which they would transport out hundreds of drawings of spiders (each representing Charlotte'due south kid Aranea going out into the world and then that she tin can return and tell Wilbur of what she has seen) with accompanying letters; they concluded up visiting a large number of parks, monuments, and museums, and were hosted past and/or prompted responses from celebrities and politicians such as John Travolta so-Commencement Lady Laura Bush-league.[33]

In 2003 Charlotte's Spider web was listed at number 170 on the BBC's The Big Read poll of the Uk's 200 "best-loved novels."[34] A 2004 report found that Charlotte'due south Web was a common read-aloud book for tertiary-graders in schools in San Diego County, California.[35] Based on a 2007 online poll, the National Education Association listed the book as 1 of its "Teachers' Acme 100 Books for Children."[36] It was one of the "Top 100 Chapter Books" of all time in a 2012 poll by School Library Journal.[37]

In 2010, the New York Public Library reported that Charlotte'southward Web was the sixth well-nigh borrowed book in the library'south history.[38]

Its awards and nominations include:

  • John Newbery Medal (1953)[39]
  • Horn Book Fanfare (1952)[40]
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal (1970) (awarded to White for his children's books: Charlotte's Web and Stuart Petty)
  • Massachusetts Children's Book Honour (1984)[41]

Adaptations [edit]

Picture [edit]

The book was adjusted into an blithe feature of the same proper name in 1973[42] by Hanna-Barbera Productions and Sagittarius Productions with a score by the Sherman Brothers. In 2003, a direct-to-video sequel to that picture show, Charlotte's Web two: Wilbur'due south Great Take chances, was released by Paramount Pictures.

In 2006, Paramount Pictures, with Walden Media, Kerner Entertainment Visitor, and Nickelodeon Movies, produced a alive-action adaptation, starring Dakota Fanning as Fern and Julia Roberts as the vox of Charlotte, released on December 15, 2006.

Television [edit]

On March 8, 2022, information technology was announced that Sesame Workshop is working on a new blithe miniseries based on the book.[43] It started production a few weeks later, and will premiere in 2024 on Cartoon Network and HBO Max.[44]

Stage [edit]

A musical production was created with music and lyrics by Charles Strouse.[45]

Video game [edit]

A video game of the 2006 film was developed by Backbone Entertainment and published by THQ and Sega, and released on Dec 12, 2006, for the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS and PC.[46] A separate game too based on the film was released a year later for the PlayStation 2 developed by Boom! Entertainment.

Ebook [edit]

On March 17, 2015, HarperCollins Children's Books released an ebook version.[47]

See too [edit]

  • The Tale of Little Squealer Robinson
  • Decease in children's literature

References [edit]

  1. ^ Neto, Bill (April 19, 2021). "Fiction Genres". eBooks Discounts. Archived from the original on 2021-04-19. Retrieved April 19, 2021.
  2. ^ "Paperback". Retrieved 2014-05-25 .
  3. ^ "Charlotte A. Cavatica: Bloodthirsty, Wise And True". NPR . Retrieved 2010-09-26 .
  4. ^ a b c Kinghorn, Norton D. (Spring 1986). "The Real Miracle of Charlotte's Web". Children'south Literature Association Quarterly. 11 (1): iv–9. doi:x.1353/chq.0.0418. ISSN 1553-1201.
  5. ^ Ratelle, Amy (2014). "Ethics and Edibility in Charlotte'southward Web". The Lion and the Unicorn. 38 (3): 327–341. doi:10.1353/uni.2014.0026. ISSN 1080-6563. S2CID 143157075.
  6. ^ Gagnon, p. 64.
  7. ^ a b c Mills, Sophie (2000). "Grunter in the Middle". Children's Literature in Instruction. 31 (2): 107–124. doi:10.1023/A:1005178904342. ISSN 0045-6713. S2CID 142795986.
  8. ^ Thomas, Trudelle H. (2016). "The Arc of the Rope Swing: Sense of humor, Poesy, and Spirituality in Charlotte'south Web by E.B. White". International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 21 (three–4): 201–215. doi:10.1080/1364436X.2016.1228618. S2CID 151314127.
  9. ^ a b c Jordan, Anne Devereaux (1997). "Appreciating "Charlotte's Spider web"". Teaching and Learning Literature with Children and Young Adults. vii.
  10. ^ Misheff, Sue (1998). "Beneath the Web and Over the Stream: The Search for Safe Places in Charlotte'due south Web and Span to Terabithia". Children's Literature in Pedagogy. 29 (iii): 131–141. doi:x.1023/A:1022471421284. S2CID 159809077.
  11. ^ Scully, Matthew (June 2011). "Tangled Web; A Children's Classic, and the Moral Dimensions of Animal Farming. (The Story of Charlotte's Web: Eastward. B. White's Eccentric Life in Nature and the Birth of an American Classic)". The Weekly Standard. 16.
  12. ^ White, E. B. (2006). "Authors & illustrators: E. B. White: AUTHOR NOTE: A Letter from E. B. White". HarperCollins Publishers. Archived from the original on 2009-02-14. Retrieved 2009-05-31 .
  13. ^ Nordstrom, Ursula (1974-05-12). "Stuart, Wilbur, Charlotte: A Tale of Tales". The New York Times . Retrieved 2008-12-22 .
  14. ^ "Charlotte'south Spider web". Virginia Kirkus' Bookshop Service (New York, New York). October i, 1952.
  15. ^ "Books—Authors". The New York Times. October 4, 1952. p. fifteen
  16. ^ "Books Published Today". The New York Times. Oct 15, 1952. p. 29.
  17. ^ White, East.B. (January 1948). "Death of a Pig". The Atlantic . Retrieved Baronial 30, 2011.
  18. ^ Weales, Gerald (May 24, 1970). "The Designs of E. B. White". The New York Times . Retrieved 2008-12-22 .
  19. ^ Usher, Shaun. "A book is a sneeze". Letters of Note. Archived from the original on Baronial 6, 2013. Retrieved August half dozen, 2013.
  20. ^ Elledge, Scott (1984). Eastward. B. White: A Biography. West. Westward. Norton and Visitor. ISBN978-0-393-01771-7.
  21. ^ a b Neumeyer, Peter F. (1991). "Charlotte, Arachnida: The Scientific Sources". The Lion and the Unicorn. xix (2): 223–231. doi:10.1353/uni.1995.0034. ISSN 0147-2593. S2CID 144424077.
  22. ^ a b Elledge (1984), p. 295.
  23. ^ White, Due east.B. (1976). Lobrano Guth, Dorothy (ed.). Letters of E.B. White . Harper and Row. pp. 353–354. ISBN978-0-06-014601-six.
  24. ^ White (1976), p. 351.
  25. ^ Garfield, Henry (May 2007). "E.B. White's Web". Bangor-Metro. Archived from the original on 2009-01-13. Retrieved 2009-06-17 .
  26. ^ The New York Times, October 19, 1952
  27. ^ Lerer, Seth (2008). Children's Literature . Academy of Chicago Press. pp. 249–251. ISBN978-0-226-47300-0.
  28. ^ Larrick, Nancy (1982). A Parent's Guide to Children's Reading (Fifth ed.). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Westminster Press. p. 67. ISBN978-0-664-32705-7.
  29. ^ Cole, Henry (2005). The Art of Reading: Forty Illustrators Celebrate RIF's 40th Anniversary. Compiled past Reading Is Central. Dutton Books. p. 33. ISBN978-0-525-47484-five.
  30. ^ Bluthenthal, Diana Cain (2005). The Fine art of Reading: Forty Illustrators Gloat RIF's 40th Anniversary. Compiled by Reading Is Cardinal. Dutton Books. p. xxx. ISBN978-0-525-47484-5.
  31. ^ a b Ames, Katrine; Marc Peyser (1991-12-09). "For Little Pitchers With Large Ears". Newsweek (24): 79. ISSN 0028-9604.
  32. ^ a b Schnol, Janet; Joanne Tangorra (1991-10-18). "Bantam Releases CD/Cassette of E. B. White Titles". Publishers Weekly. 238 (46): 32. ISSN 0000-0019.
  33. ^ Worldly Web: A traveling spider teaches 4th graders the joys of reading, meeting new people, and experiencing new adventures. Reader's Digest 2007-06-13, page found 2012-11-13.
  34. ^ "BBC – The Large Read". BBC. April 2003, Retrieved Baronial 28, 2017
  35. ^ Fisher, Douglas; et al. (2004). "Interactive Read-Alouds: Is There a Common Set of Implementation Practices?" (PDF). The Reading Teacher. 58 (i): 8¬–17. doi:ten.1598/rt.58.1.1. Archived from the original (PDF) on December vii, 2013. Retrieved August xix, 2012.
  36. ^ National Instruction Association (2007). "Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children". Retrieved Baronial nineteen, 2012.
  37. ^ Bird, Elizabeth (July 7, 2012). "Top 100 Chapter Volume Poll Results". School Library Journal "A Fuse #8 Production" blog. Archived from the original on July xiii, 2012. Retrieved August nineteen, 2012.
  38. ^ "These Are the NYPL's Pinnacle Check Outs OF ALL TIME - Gothamist". Archived from the original on 2020-01-13. Retrieved 2020-01-13 .
  39. ^ "Charlotte's Spider web | Awards & Grants". American Library Association. Archived from the original on 2021-04-19. Retrieved April 19, 2021.
  40. ^ "Horn Book Fanfare 1952". The Horn Book Magazine. Dec 5, 1952. Archived from the original on 2021-04-19. Retrieved Apr xix, 2021.
  41. ^ "Consummate list of MCBA Winners by Year". Archived from the original on 2018-08-03. Retrieved April 19, 2021.
  42. ^ Lenburg, Jeff (1999). The encyclopedia of blithe cartoons. Cyberspace Annal. New York : Facts on File. ISBN978-0-8160-3831-2.
  43. ^ Milligan, Mercedes (2022-03-08). "WarnerMedia Expands Sesame Workshop Partnership with New Titles and Fresh Takes". Animation Magazine . Retrieved 2022-03-22 .
  44. ^ White, Peter (2022-03-22). "'Charlotte'south Spider web': Luke Matheny To Oversee HBO Max & Sesame Workshop Serial". Deadline . Retrieved 2022-03-22 .
  45. ^ Strouse, Charles (2008). Put on a happy face : a Broadway memoir. New York: Union Square Press. ISBN978-1-4027-5889-viii. OCLC 232955846.
  46. ^ Charlotte's Spider web , retrieved 2022-09-01
  47. ^ "Charlotte'due south Spider web". HarperCollins. Archived from the original on 2020-09-27. Retrieved April nineteen, 2021.

Sources [edit]

  • Gagnon, Laurence (1973). "Webs of Business concern: The Piffling Prince and Charlotte'south Web". Children'due south Literature. 2 (ii): 61–66. doi:10.1353/chl.0.0419.
  • Griffith, John W. (1993). Charlotte's web: a grunter'southward salvation. New York: Twayne. ISBN978-0805788129.
  • Neumeyer, Peter F.; Williams, Garth; White, E. B. (1994). The annotated Charlotte'south web. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN978-0060243876.
  • White, E. B. (2007). Some pig!: a Charlotte's web picture book . Illustrated by Maggie Kneen. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN978-0060781613.
  • White, E. B. (2008). Wilbur's hazard: a Charlotte's spider web movie book. Illustrated by Maggie Kneen. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN9780060781644.
  • Sims, Michael (2011). The story of Charlotte'southward spider web: E. B. White's eccentric life in nature and the nativity of an American classic. New York: Walker & Co. ISBN9780802777546.

External links [edit]

  • Charlotte's Web dwelling page at publisher'due south site

Main Character In Charlotte's Web,


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